Friday, July 20, 2012


Meet HADROCODIUM, the smallest mammal that ever existed!

This is the first WIND Animal you encounter in this game. Wind Animals are very useful from now on, since you can use them to STEAL EGGS for you!

The "STEAL AN EGG" stage is under construction (July 2012), but you will be able to play it next week!
We will talk about eggs then.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Free Dinosaur Sketches: Meganeura

Well, ok, you got me here! It's not a Dinosaur, but I didn't want to create a new label for this...
Here's a picture of Meganeura, the prehistoric dragonfly!
You can use it freely wherever you want.
Giannis Nikolaou

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Antarctica was lined with trees 15M years ago

Grasses in Mount Cook National Park, South Island, New Zealand.An unexpectedly warm period about 15 million years ago temporarily thawed Antarctica, turning the continent green around its edges, a new study says.

Antarctica developed its ice sheets about 34 million years ago. But during the more recent warm period, the interior landscape would've resembled tundra found in parts of modern-day Chile and New Zealand, and the coasts would've been lined with beeches and a type of conifer.

Did most dinosaurs have feathers ?

The fossil of an ancient theropod found in Germany
indicates that feathers were widespread in dinosaurs
Feathers didn’t start with birds. Plumage of various sorts — from simple fuzz to the complex structures used for flight — adorned dinosaurs first, and was only later inherited by birds. And if a beautifully preserved juvenile dinosaur unearthed in the Jurassic strata of Germany is any indication, it is possible that all dinosaurs bore patches of filamentous feathers.

Since the discovery of the fluffy theropodSinosauropteryx in 1996, palaeontologists have recognized more than 30 types of feathered dinosaur. Most of these are coelurosaurs — a disparate group of theropods that includes not only the fearsome tyrannosaurs, sickle-clawed deinonychosaurs and bizarre therizinosaurs, but also birds.

Monday, July 16, 2012


If you have reached Level 5, you find yourselves against the first BIG animal, the armored Antarctopelta!

It may be a peaceful vegetarian dinosaur, but if you attack it, it can be very aggressive. It might stomp you with its feet, or hurt you with its spikes. So, you'd better stay above ground and fight from a safe distance.